Just after the Second World War work began on the construction of Woodberry Down Estate at Manor House, North London. In time, this was to be the largest public authority housing estate in Europe.
Over fifty years later the 'regeneration' of Woodberry Down began, in effect the demolition of the estate and the rebuilding of a new complex of social and private housing. This was one of the biggest regenerations in the UK.
The People’s Story of Woodberry Down Project seeks to tell the multitude of stories that trace the estate from its post-war beginning to the present through the voices of its residents.
The project recorded and collected over 32 oral histories and hundreds of photographs from past and present residents, we ran workshops and reminiscence sessions in the Memory Shop, created a memory quilt of local resident’s memories, and produced a publication and an exhibition.

The project was conducted in partnership with Woodberry Down Community Organisation, Eastside Community Heritage, Manor House Development, Genesis Housing Association, Berkeley Group and Hackney Council.